Let Us Rid You of Your Nasty Mildew Problem

remediation  ( ri-mee-dee-ey-shuh n ) ​​

  1. (noun) the correction of something bad or defective
  2. (noun) the action of remedying something, esp the reversal or stopping of damage to the environment

Do you remember the scene in E.T. when scientist took over Elliot's home? Everything was draped in plastic, and all of the crew wore safety clothing. That clothing is referred to as Personal Protection Equipment, PPE.

When you see our team wearing PPE you know that the situation is getting serious: The truth is, the situation was serious before we arrived. The equipment assures that our team can remain safe when mold spores are disturbed and the risk for airborne contamination increases.

When and if your house looks like a scene out of E.T. do not panic it is likely not to be nearly that dramatic. Know that Mold & Mildew Solutions LLC is on top of the situation working for you. We know how to keep you, our team and the environment safe, Remember our simple promise: We will restore your home to a healthy and safe environment!


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